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  • 发布日期:2024-07-11 06:33    点击次数:80
  • 今天是晨安英文陪你沿途向上的第9年又218天体育游戏app平台



    今天际刊精讲直播的著述来自《彭博社》的——The New Dream Job Is Working for … the Government?





    学有所得 2024年向上✌

    The New Dream Job Is Working for … the Government? Job stability is more important to young graduates than it used to be, which may be why more of them are looking at careers in the public sector.


    要点词汇:stability n. /stəˈbɪləti/

    the quality or state of being steady and not changing or being disturbed in any way (= the quality of being stable)安谧(性);踏实(性)

    • political/economic/social stability 政事╱经济╱社会安谧

    • the stability of the dollar on the world's money markets好意思元辞天下货币市集上的安谧性

    One of the best parts of being a young college graduate, and naïve to the grim realities of the working world, is being deluded about how great your career will be. Maybe you’ll found the next Nvidia, or win the Nobel Prize in your field, or start a charity that will make the world a better place. Or maybe you’ll take that entry-level job and climb the corporate ladder into middle management.

    ✅翻译:动作又名年青的大学毕业生,对职场狰狞试验还一无所知,让东说念主最振奋的事情之一便是妄念念我方的职业生计会有何等好意思好。也许你会创建下一个 Nvidia,大略在我方的领域赢得诺贝尔奖,大略创办一个能让天下变得更好意思好的慈善机构。又大略,你会吸收低级的责任,在企业一齐摸爬滚打攀升到中层处罚者。

    要点词汇:grim adj./ɡrɪm/

    unpleasant and depressing令东说念主不快的;令东说念主寥落的

    • grim news 令东说念主寥落的音书

    例句:The outlook is pretty grim.


    要点词汇:delude v. /dɪˈluːd/

    ~ sb/yourself (into doing sth)to make sb believe sth that is not true骗取;诳骗

    例句:Don't be deluded into thinking that we are out of danger yet.


    例句:He's deluding himself if he thinks it's going to be easy.


    The point is, anything is possible! Delusion can be valuable, especially in reasonable doses, and optimism can be self-fulfilling. They allow you to take risks while you are still young and learning. Today’s graduates, however, are more practical. According to a new survey from Handshake, a recruiter for college students, more graduates now aspire to work in government, and fewer want to work in technology.

    ✅翻译:关节是,一切王人有可能!这种幻念念可能是有价值的,尤其是在合理的情况下,乐不雅可能能带来好的恶果。它们能让你在年青和学习的时代冒险。但是,如今的毕业生愈加求实。大学生招聘网站 Handshake 的最新访问闪现,当今有更多的毕业生但愿在政府部门责任,而念念从事技巧责任的东说念主则越来越少。

    要点词汇:delusion n. /dɪˈluːʒn/

    a false belief or opinion about yourself or your situation错觉;谬见;妄念念

    the delusions of the mentally ill神经病患者的妄念念

    例句:Don't go getting delusions of grandeur (= a belief that you are more important than you actually are) .


    要点词汇:self-fulfilling adj./ˌself fʊlˈfɪlɪŋ/

    a self-fulfilling prophecy is one that becomes true because people expect it to be true and behave in a way that will make it happen(预言等)自我应验的,自我齐备的, 齐备我方抱负的

    例句:If you expect to fail, you will fail. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.



